What is stress and how can it affect hair loss?

Stress is an altered emotional state that the human being develops due to adverse events, and it can affect hair loss. The origin of stress can be due to real or imaginary situations of the individual itself but which could be experienced as real. Some examples of situations that can cause stress are separation or divorce, loss of a loved one, economic problems, loss of a job, but it could also be the loss of a home due to an eviction or the loss of a dear and beloved pet.

Of course, the degree of stress in any of the above situations varies for each person because it depends on the subjective assessment that the individual gives in that circumstance and how it personally affects them.

Stress is a mechanism that we share with animals and also with plants, and it allows us to react to contexts for which we are not prepared. It is a psychosomatic issue; it is formed in the thought (psyche), and if it is maintained for a long time, then it becomes a problem for our body and immune system (soma). This means it’s psychosomatic and can lead to cardiovascular problems, ulcers, intestinal problems, eczema, acne, and, of course, hair loss, eventually leading the person to develop alopecia to varying degrees and possibly resulting in complete baldness.

Almu Rodriguez

Hair Loss Natural Solution Plant Based Organic Ingredients