Regular exercise is an effective way to prevent stress
The complex interaction between lifestyle and stress is already one of the most frequent causes of hair loss in both men and women. Practicing a sporting activity and maintaining a healthy diet emerge as fundamental factors in hair loss prevention.
Practicing regular physical activity in a moderate but continuous way is an effective method to prevent or alleviate stress. Whether it be aerobic exercises, team sports, or individual activities, physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins – the body’s natural mood lifters. These endorphins help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. Regular physical activity facilitates both oxygenation and relaxation, thereby enhancing the body’s defenses against stress.
A healthy diet helps prevent degenerative processes and hair loss
Just as important as sports is maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding stimulants such as coffee, black tea, soft drinks, and tobacco. Increase the intake of vegetables and vegetable proteins, and reduce carbohydrates found in white rice, Italian pasta, and pizzas, as well as the glucose present in some fruits, including oranges and apples, and sugar. This doesn’t mean you should stop consuming them, but rather significantly reduce their intake throughout the week, which can be beneficial in preventing the onset of an inflammatory process.
Synergy between Sports and Hair Health
Integrating sports and a healthy diet is key to addressing dual challenges such as stress and hair loss, promoting overall well-being, and maintaining vibrant, healthy hair.